Before we get to the tips and tricks I wanted to say hi to anyone stopping by from Mrs. Monologues blog star! I'm a California twenty something (not for too much longer!) wife and mom of a tiny giant 15 month old. I am obsessed with all things tv and celeb when I have free time (rarely these days). Most of the time I'm giving and getting all kinds of advice here on this little blog. Sometimes it is kid related, sometimes it is hair or fashion related. So take a look around and I hope you decide to leave a comment so I can stop by your blog too!
Today we are talking about traveling with a toddler.
I hope you have figured out by now that I don't give the normal tips and tricks with these topics. I give you the real deal tips and tricks!
I'm one of those packers that has a two page word document packing list saved. I also pack like we are going some where that has no grocery stores or Targets. So my 1st tip of traveling with a toddler is to plan ahead and make lists because you do not want to forget the lovie or the stroller or the pack and play.
I also packed what I like to call the "funnest bag you've ever seen in your life". This is to save your butt during long car rides or plane flights. In our bag we had the Melissa and Doug Latches Board Puzzle, a back scratcher from the target dollar bin, a dr. suess hologram cup from the dollar spot at target, a numbers book from the one spot at target, a ball from the dollar area in the party aisle at target (did you know about that little gem), a $2 or so truck that was on clearance, and the IPAD!
I also brought along snacks and drinks for everyone. We road tripped it so we could take an ice chest.
Chase has had some massive blow outs in the past so I'm usually prepared for those. What I was not prepared for was puke. After a long car ride, a trip to the park, and getting a little lost my little man lost his lunch before arriving at our 2nd and final stop of the day. Since I had an extra outfit and paper towels we managed to survive. This was Chase's 2nd time getting carsick and we now know to keep the car cool and not to make too many turns.
We had an itinerary of places we wanted to go and people we wanted to see. What I didn't plan for was Chase to fall asleep so early in the morning in the car. Almost every day we would venture out after breakfast and Chase would fall asleep. He only takes one nap so if we waited to go out after that most of the day was over. Even though his schedule was completely off he did pretty well.
The ipad saved us on some cranky car rides and restaurant trips. There was one time we were coming back from the beach and didn't have the ipad and poor little man was over it. We tried calling peoplon speaker phone to talk to him and what worked was rolling the windows down.
We stayed with family members and friends on this trip. Most of the places weren't baby proofed which was hard. We did spend a lot of time out and about. For my sanity I would take Chase for a walk in the stroller after breakfast when Hubby was getting ready for the day.
It is definitely a challenge traveling with a toddler but we all had a blast at the zoo, beach, and getting to see family and friends.
Did you write a post with tips and tricks from or for moms? Link up!