Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Twin pregnancy

   First, let me start with I am not a medical professional. I am just a woman with a "cervix of steel" and carried twins to 38 weeks despite doing jumping jacks at 37.5 weeks to try and avoid induction. I also got lucky. Honestly, a huge part of it is just luck.
   A common question I get is what was my reaction when I found out I was having twins. When I was pregnant with Chase I didn't worry at all. Having a miscarriage combined with hearing so many sad and difficult stories, my first reaction was worry. I tell a lot of people I honestly worried about my boys until they were in my arms and healthy.
   The best piece of advice I read when pregnant with the twins was to turn your worries in to goals. So, I did. I made it a goal to stay pregnant until 37 weeks. I made it a goal to have them vaginally. I made a goal to nurse them for a year. I can't remember if there were any more goals. But these were the ones that were important and I made them!
   The other piece of advice I listened to and have heard other twin moms say to moms pregnant with twins is listen to your body. I had to stop substitute teaching at 20 weeks. I couldn't stand any more without pain. Sitting with your legs up is not a good look for a sub. It is common for twin moms to go on maternity leave around 20 weeks. Don't beat yourself up about it. It was hard for me. If something feels off CALL YOUR DOCTOR!
   I know a mom pregnant with twins that has older children and a nurse told her not to lift her older children. I picked Chase up all the time. He was still in a crib until after the babies were born. Listen to your body. The same mom was told by the same nurse not to exercise. I had an active 2 year old and was in a tri level house. When I experienced pain and swelling I put my feet up.
   I used a maternity support belt when I had back pain and when my hip hurt I wrapped an ace bandage around my hips. I always drink lots of water but if you don't, start.
   I ate whatever I wanted. The twin pregnancy advice book said to eat lots of small meals. Like eat breakfast, then a snack, then lunch, and a snack, then a snack and dinner and a snack etc. I ate when I was hungry. There was a lot of clam dip. I gained about 36 pounds. My dr never said anything about my weight gain. I worried about gaining enough weight when I was pregnant with Chase and my dr said don't so I didn't ask this time.
   Baby A was 5lbs 14ozs, Baby B was 7lbs 1oz. They spent 0 minutes in the NICU. They were both delivered vaginally. If you want to read the birth story go here.
   I was asked this morning if I slept a ton. I had a 2 year old. I don't even remember being as tired as I was when I was pregnant with Chase.
  Don't compare it to previous pregnancies. Don't try to be super mom. Get a maid. Sit on your couch and cook those babies.
   Advice from my moms of multiples friends:
  • if you need to vent or tak to someone talk to another mom of multiples. Singleton and twin pregnancies are worlds apart and no one can relate like a fellow MoM.
  • getting in a pool helps tremendously with relieving the pain from carrying all that weight.
  • don't beat yourself up if you don't achieve your goals. Enjoy your time with your babies because it goes SO fast! Take lots of pictures and videos. Be flexible. Be kind to yourself. Be willing to say "no" or "help".