Sorry guys, I am not feeling my usual hilar self. I had the Sunday night blues last night. They seem to have carried into Monday. I don't like to talk about work on here. I do talk about my relationship a ton though. Since Hubby and I work together it is all intertwined. I have cherished the past, wow! 5 months working with him. He has been asked to do an assignment out of the office for potentially 45 business days. I am lucky that it is still in town and I will get to see him every night. Just adjusting to work life without him today.
Enjoyed catching up on several blogs today. Now blogger is doing something weird or maybe its my computer. Got a Vegas! post for you to look forward to tomorrow. Hopefully I will get that wedding ring post together tonight too for this week. I took pics this weekend. Now I have to upload! I wanted to take hair pics this weekend but wasn't feeling it.
The big Birthday! celebrations start this weekend. My friend's birthday is Feb. 5th and her husband called my husband to see if we were free Friday night. So we might be surprising her. Sounds like a good time. Then Saturday night is the dinner celebration for my birthday and my friend B. Cheesecake factory here we come!!! I was hoping to look great for my bday. Maybe its time for a trip to Target for a $20 dress.
This weekend when we went to Target we had an unusually weird experience. We are still using gift cards from the wedding and I think Hubby said something to the cashier like, "This is our last gift card from our wedding." The woman's eyes lit up! "Oh you are newlyweds! How long have you been married?" We responded, "About 3 months." There were people in line behind us so we were starting to gather our merch and head for the door. Apparently doesn't care about other customers goes, "Where did you go for your honeymoon?" Us wondering if this convo will ever end, "Santa Barbara." When I answered I looked down and noted that she was not wearing a wedding ring. I think crazy asked us something like, "Do you love being married?" Hubby responded with, "It isn't that different." You guys know, we lived together for a couple years before getting hitched and I didn't change, still hate dishes, still love reality tv. I'm not mad at Hubby's response, I agree. As we start to walk away she almost yells, "Well its supposed to be!" I was closest to her and was the only one who heard. Um... thanks? Freak show!
HAHA oh wow, weirdo at target, aisle 1, errr.. cash register.