Monday, November 5, 2012

Sorry kiddo, can't pick your parents

There are a few things I want to talk about and I think this picture is a good place to start.

#1 the be a better housekeeper thing? Yeah, not going so well!

#2 This is a picture Hubby took of me trying to write my name and move my leg in a circle. We were cracking up trying to do this on Saturday night and I wanted to instagram a picture and Hubby was all don't take a picture of me, so I said fine take a picture of me then. He clearly doesn't know the rules of don't show the million toys on the floor in the background!

You know those nights when you and your husband can be silly together and laugh until your face hurts? It has been a few days and I'm still smiling on the inside from it. I can't help but think, "gosh, how long has it been since we've laughed like that?!"

Where I'm going with all of this is that I think maybe possibly after 18 months since our world got flipped upside down (Chase's birth) we are back to a good place. If you are a mom then you know how truthful the statement "our world got flipped upside down" is. It is so crazy to me how you meet a guy in college and think he's cute and would be a great husband and father but there is ABSOLUTELY NO way to really know how he will be as a father. You don't even know what you will be like as a mother. As a planner, I don't like all the unknowns. You can't plan what the kid will be like either!

Luckily, I did pick an amazing man. He's been so patient while I've figured out this whole mom thing. Like many of you I wanted my relationship with my husband to be the most important thing. We did date nights about once a month but the crying and needy human being you just created wins 99.9 times out of 100 over your technically should be self sufficient husband.

I read in one of the million parenting books that when your husband gets home from work you two should spend some time on the couch cuddling together and tell the kids that it is mommy and daddy time. Well, let's be realistic now people. When my husband gets home from work I don't even get the first kiss! Because our adorable happy little boy runs squealing over to him. I on the other hand am still in my pajamas slaving away over dinner and exhausted from my day. Probably crabby and ready for bed. Every man's dream!

We have had to learn how to communicate like never before. Because when the kid is hungry and tired and you are hungry and tired and you are at a pumpkin patch with 1,000 other hungry and tired parents and kids and all they are serving is hot dogs and nachos which your toddler can't eat you have to try not to lose your cool, next year. We have been in a lot of situations like that and I always seem to be the one to lose it. Have I told you that we went to a wedding 90 minutes away without Chase and my mother-in-law watched him for the first time? That was huge people!

So if you are reading this and you are planning on giving your husband the silent treatment when he gets home for whatever happened this weekend, don't. Maybe you should try the writing your name and moving your leg thing. Seriously, so funny. This kind of relates to my last post. We've worked on our marriage with our kid around and hey, that is good for him too!

I love that he was there to see us laughing like that. I'm sure he thought we were absolutely nuts but he knows this already. Sorry kiddo, can't pick your parents.


  1. I love this post!!!! :) Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  2. This was awesome. We have those moments too!

  3. Love your #1 & #2 heheh!!!

    Those laughs are wonderful reminders & keep the connection alive- so important, like you said. love it!!

  4. I BET HE LOVED seeing you two laugh and have fun!! I think our kids love to see mom and dad in those situations.
