Monday, July 25, 2011

Chase is 3 months old!

Another busy month for little C. He celebrated his 1st 4th of July! Thank goodness he slept through fireworks! He is such a lucky boy and got to hang out with both sets of grandparents a couple times. He got to spend some times with his cousins. His cousin Conner is always talking about baby Chase.

We took a trip to Tahoe that went great! He slept in his pack and play and did an 8 hour stretch between feedings! He had a lot of fun playing with his grandparents and Aunt and Uncle. He also got to meet our good friends that came to visit from San Diego.

This month he started grabbing his toys and holding on to them. His monkey toy is his favorite to hold onto. He likes to stand up and is doing pretty good in the bumbo. Tummy time is going ok. He likes to suck on his hands and doesn't try to roll over much.

We think he weighs 17-18 pounds. 6 month clothes fit him perfectly right now. Whenever people ask how old he is they say things like "he's healthy" or "I would have guessed 4 months". My response is, "yeah he's huge".

Chase usually goes to bed between 7:30 and 9. He usually sleeps a 5 hour stretch, wakes up to eat, and then does a 4 hour stretch, wakes up to eat and is usually up for the day around 8am. During the day he eats every 3-4 hours.

I've been looking at his pictures from when he was first born and I can't believe how much hair he had! I also can't believe how small he was!