Christian wife. Mom to 4 yo and 1 yo twins. All boys. Still try to take pictures, plan a good party, look put together and blog.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Discussion Questions 21-35
1. Do you think Tim is the one sending the money?
Yes I think Tim is the one sending the money. I don't know how he is getting her address. I assume through SCAPE.
2. So far, there's been a lot of discussion on CeeCee/Eve and her choices. What choice(s) would you make differently from her?
Probably wouldn't have even gotten involved with Tim.
3. What do you like about Jack? Are there things about him that you don't like?
I love Jack. Nothing to not like about him.
4. What are the differences between CeeCee/Eve's relationship with Tim and Eve's relationship with Jack?
Jack seems to really love Eve and isn't using her like Tim was.
5. Do you think Eve is to blame for Cory's fears? What could she do, specifically, to help Cory feel like less of an outsider?
I guess she sheltered Cory too much. I think the idea to get her counseling is a good one.
6. Do you think Eve appropriately answered Cory's questions about her father? Do you think Cory will question her father more as she grows older?
I think Eve answered the questions apporopriately. I think Cory will have more questions as she gets older. Maybe questions about her father's parents or brothers and sisters.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Top Two Tuesday!

Top 2 Biggest Indulgences!

I couldn't find a picture of my watching tv or sitting on our couches. So here is me on my cousin's couch. That's my "nephew" about 2 years ago! He doesn't cuddle like that anymore :( he's a big boy but he likes to play with me cause I change the settings on his toys to spanish cause I'm weird.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Discussion Questions for Chapters 11-20:
I have no clue. Maybe still in Jacksonville? I don't think they will give up on getting Andie set free.
2. What were your thoughts as CeeCee was helping Genevieve deliver her baby?
It was pretty graphic. I tried to read through it quickly. I had a feeling Genevieve was going to die and CeeCee would have to take care of the baby.
3. After Genevieve died, what would you have done with her baby if you had been in CeeCee's shoes?
Well, it would be pretty crazy if I was in that situation. I guess CeeCee did the best thing should could given her situation.
4. Why do you think CeeCee/Eve is still holding onto hope that Tim will come for her?
She loved him deeply and thinks he feels the same way for her. Its romantic if he comes for her.
5. How do you think Eve will establish her new identity in Virginia?
Sounds like she is going to work at a diner.
6. What do you think of CeeCee/Eve now after she has gone through with the kidnapping, the delivery of the baby, the escape, and the relocation?
I still sympathize with her. She got herself into this situation and has done the best she can to survive.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
WEDDING: First Dance

Any place you wanna go,
Know I'll be next to you.
If it's treasure baby you're looking for,
I'll search the whole world through.

So if your heart rings dry my love,
I will fill your cup.
And if your load gets heavy girl,
I will lift you up.
Troubles they may come and go,
But good times be the gold.
So if this road gets rocky girl,
Just steady as we go.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Last minute Top 2 Tuesday

This weeks Top Two over at Taylor's blog is: Top Two Characters you'd like to play in a TV show or Movie

Bethenny Frankel!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes
Chapters 1-10 discussion questions:
1. What was your first impression of Tim?
I like Tim. I think he is a nice and genuine guy.
2. If you were in CeeCee’s position, would you be willing to help your boyfriend in the way that she is willing to help Tim?
I don't think I could commit a crime for someone I love. After reading 4 edit- I don't think I could commit a crime for someone I love's loved one.
3. Why do you think CeeCee is so eager to please Tim?
CeeCee only had a mother's love until the age of 12. This is her first experience with romantic love and she would do anything to keep it.
4. Who do you think has it harder? Tim or CeeCee?
After reading this question I have to go back and change my answer for #2. I had to change my answer to number 2 because I was going to say CeeCee has it harder. I think Tim's decision is an easy one. I am very protective of the people I love and if they were on death row for self defense I might do the same thing to keep them alive.
5. What character trait(s) about CeeCee stuck out the most to you in these first ten chapters?
Her strength. Getting herself to this place in her life after being in foster care and losing her mother after 12 years. Her ability to fall so quickly for Tim and trust him completely after having a difficult childhood.
6. Do you think CeeCee is as mature as she seems?
I often forget that she is 16. I was not that mature at 16.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Cha cha cha changes
My bloggy bff (we still need to do a reveal post) and I emailed each other about our favorite blogs and said, "We need to include links." Well I figured if I was going to take the time to include links in an email then I might as well just create a blog roll!!!
So look! Its a list of blogs I love! Did you make it? I hope I didn't forget anyone! Should I have in alphabetical order or by most recent post?
I also edited my profile. Don't know how I feel about it. Maybe I should have you guys write my profile for me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
WEDDING: The dances
Obvs, you know I am co-president of the Jessica Simpson fan club and still watch my Newlyweds dvds. So in 2004 when her cd In This Skin came out and she said she had written it for her dad I knew I would be dancing to that song for my father/daughter dance. I sent the lyrics to Dad and he said was teary eyed. That was all the approval I needed.

All the days that you gave
All the moments you've saved me,
Praying for my life
Sacrificed, just to make me who I am on my own
You don't have to let go

You don't say it
But it's in your eyes
All the fears of good-bye
But I can promise
You'll always have a place, and a way to my heart
If you asked him today what song we danced to he probably couldn't tell you. We had a fun time dancing and talking so we weren't a crying father/daughter dance, even though my Uncle says he saw me tear up. It was sweet and fun and I'm glad our dj cut the songs shorter cause who wants to watch three minutes of that?
On to the mother/son dance...
oh FUN FACT I don't think I have shared, Hubby's mom is a dance teacher. I actually met her first. I minored in theatre arts because at our college the dance classes were theatre classes. She taught a class I took. Luckily I got an A! I met him through friends later and it was just a funny coincedence (fate) that I had taken her class.
they kicked around a lot of ideas for their dance. They talked about choreographing something funny, etc. It took awhile for them to pick a song to dance to. I think I finally picked it for them and they were ok with it. They danced to Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me To The Moon". Reading the lyrics you might think it is a romantic song and maybe Old Blue Eyes meant it that way but it was a song they both liked and it was fun to see them dance together to such a great song!

Fly me to the moon
Let me sing among those stars
Let me see what spring is like
On jupiter and mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby kiss me
Fill my heart with song
Let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
Monday, August 9, 2010
Tips and Tricks Top Two Tuesday!

Yes, he poops, we've been over this!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
We started the night with dinner at Trattoria Positano. I had LASAGNA di POLLO al FORNO-Lasagna filled with fresh ground chicken, beciamella, ricotta on a bed of tomatosauce for $15.95. I always get chicken lasagna if it is on the menu anywhere. I need to learn how to make it at home! Everyone loved their food but I wish the portions were bigger. I was still hungry.
If you follow me on twitter you would know I have never had a mojito before. So I was on a mission to have one. The restaurant we were at only seved beer and wine so we used my friend's iphone to find a bar close by.
We walked over to The Shanty. The bartender pretty much laughed at me when I asked if they make mojitos. Not really that type of place. But we settled in for a few drinks and ended up having a great time. One of the things we talked about is doing a friends vacay every year. Some of the places we want to go are Colorado, Texas, and North Carolina.
I was hoping to find a dream vacation rental on this website.
Something like this would be great! We have had problems doing vacation rentals before. I also don't like that most places have twin beds. Maybe if we do this every summer will have to rotate who gets the master and who gets the bunk beds!
Oh I guess I stumped yall with the other two pictures in the header. The one on the right is the cabrillo national monument The one on the right is from our honeymoon in Santa Barbara. We rode our bikes to Stearns Wharf.
Have you seen this blog? It is a book club blog! I am so excited! I already got the first book at the library. I also got The Help and The short life of bree tanner. I am on page 16 of The Help and I don't know if I will read the whole thing. Have you read either of them?
Friday, August 6, 2010
New Header!
They aren't the best pictures of us. I went with a beach theme. I have a feeling I will be changing it often!
Do you recognize any of the places in the pictures?