Monday, August 19, 2013

Rules for dating my son

Have you seen this rules for dating my son thing going around? It is bugging me.

I have dated boys and boys with moms like this and they scare me. I don't want to be like that.

1. The rules for dating MY son are I will raise my son to be attracted to and interested in girls that have substance. So if a girl shows up to my house "looking like a stripper" instead of making her "go away" I will invite her in and get to know her. I will trust that my son saw something in this girl and I won't judge her based on her appearance.

2. I will raise my son to value money. When he is old enough to date and drive a car he will also have a job to pay for these things. If he wants to buy a girl dinner or a gift that is his choice. It is his money and I trust that he understands that saving his money for college and his future is a great choice but he can also use his hard earned money for fun.

3. I will raise a son that treats women with respect and speaks and texts them respectfully. He will only have a phone for emergency purposes so there won't be much texting anyways. You will have to call the house and speak to me and ask for him. He will be well aware that I will be checking all his facebook, instagram and whatever else there is in 15 years.

4. My son is a mama's boy and I do apologize for that. I am sure if you get to know him you will see it is hard not to love him with your whole heart. I hope you have a close relationship with your parents too. If you date my son for a long period of time I hope that we can be close as well. If you are lucky enough for my son to ask your father for your hand in marriage and then ask you and you accept you will be like a daughter to me.

5. My son is a gentleman and I'm sure you're a lady because he wouldn't be attracted to someone that wasn't.

6. I don't know how to avoid jail. My son doesn't either. I hope you don't either. We don't do criminal activities. I don't even know how to get out of a speeding ticket. I haven't had one since I was a freshman in college though.

7. I look forward to meeting you. I hope we can be good friends. Let me know if my son doesn't treat you right. Have fun. My son is a great catch but you are both young and have a lot of life ahead of you. This time in your life isn't for serious relationships and drama. Spend time with your girlfriends.


  1. I love your version of this so much better. My MIL sent me an email one day and it was an article about 10 things your MIL won't tell you. Needless to say I've been very cautious around her since that moment (it's been 4 years since she sent me that lol).

  2. I want my daughter to date your son :)

  3. I hadn't seen this but I'm totally agreeing with your version.
