Saturday, December 1, 2012

The League Party

We had a great afternoon/evening celebrating Hubby's 30th! He had no idea the theme was going to be his favorite tv show "The League". When he saw the sign on our front door that said, "The League celebrates Curtis' 30th" he was confused. Everything made sense once he saw all the stuff in our house.

I made a MyFace wall for him. He doesn't have a facebook account so it was perfect to post messages from friends on. I printed instagram pictures from to put on his wall too.Do you see the Naginta on the table by his MyFace wall?

I also printed a picture of a 3 penis wine cup and taped it onto a bottle of wine. I had to make a Shiva.

I made Chase a Chalupa Batman t-shirt from

On the bathroom I put a sign that said Tinker Stinker.

On the menu was apples and grapes, chips and salsa and guacamole, and chips and clam dip. We also made bagel bites and chicken taquitos.

We also asked everyone to bring a 6 pack of their favorite microbrew beer or international beer. We did a beer tasting and voted for the beer we liked the best. The winner won a $5 grocery store gift card! Wahoo! Shocktop pumpkin ale won btw. I don't really like pumpkin stuff and it was pretty good! Tasted like October!


  1. I dont even know what THe League is, but it looks fun!

  2. That sounds like a kick ass party and I LOVE that Chalupa Batman shirt!
