So there are, as I like to think optimistically, 2-4 weeks left until we meet our little guy! I'm still feeling pretty good. Tuesday after work I had a mini breakdown because I was so uncomfortable and tired. I tried laying down on the couch in my pjs and was getting kicked in the ribs and then he got the hiccups! I think Monday I was getting dressed and I made a comment about how huge I am and Hubby looked at me and goes, "I didn't realize how big your belly had gotten!" Then the other night I was lotioning the belly and he was brushing his teeth and the belly scared him out of the corner of his eye. I said, "What, did you think you saw a hippo?"
I've gained about 24.5 pounds according to the nice scale at home. We won't talk about the mean scale at the dr's office. My clothes and shoes must weigh like 4 pounds! I'm still substitute teaching a few days a week. I'm trying to encourage all involved in my life to think of it as something to keep me from getting bored now not really something to pay the bills.
We have been having fun talking and playing with little man. Hubs and him have little games they play. I usually just encourage him to kick Daddy. I swear the child now knows the sound of Hubby's alarm. It scares me a little how much the baby sleeps at night but as soon as Hubby's alarm goes off the kid starts dancing. I'm really hoping he will have the same habits once he arrives.
Hubs got the crib up this week which I wasn't expecting. The nursery is pretty much done except a few things we are waiting to get with our 10% offs from Babies R Us and Target. We also need to decorate the walls. I am going to be a featured mama pretty soon on Jen's blog. I will let you guys know so you can hop over there and see new nursery pics.
I had the quickest dr's appointment today I've ever had. She listened to baby's heartbeat said he was happy. Did the quick little strep b swab test and I was done. I'm hoping next week when I see her she'll tell me if I'm dialated and if his head is down. I'll probably ask if she doesn't say anything. This week I asked what number I'm supposed to call if I think I'm in labor.